Lisa Sobrato Sonsini

LISA SOBRATO SONSINI left her law practice and one week later she was digging a six-foot deep outhouse hole in 110-degree weather with mosquitoes everywhere. Her hands-on commitment is based on her belief that her time is much more important than giving her money. At age 29, Lisa started her family’s foundation, increasing their involvement in the community. Two years later, the Sobrato Family was recognized as Philanthropist of the Year. She is currently the President and Trustee of her family foundation which will give away $2.5 million this year. Lisa also serves on the board of several non-profit organization, including: President of Today’s youth Matter where she has been a team leader, summer camp director, camp development participant and grant writer; Vice President of Child Advocates of Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties; president of the Good Tidings Foundation; and steering member of Silicon Valley Social Ventures designed to encourage giving and volunteerism by new philanthropists.

As a Child Advocate, Lisa has been a positive presence in a young woman’s life enabling her to obtain her GED and work full-time in a real estate office.

Currently Lisa is enjoying spending quality time with her young son.
*This biography and photo of the honoree was published in .

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