Jennifer Horne

Jennifer Horne has devoted her legal career to helping some of our county’s most vulnerable residents – teen parents. After graduating from Stanford Law School, she was awarded a prestigious Skadden Fellowship to design and implement an innovative program, the Teen Parents Project at Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County. Twelve years later, she has handled more than 1,000 legal cases and is a recognized expert in this highly specialized area of the law. Jennifer is dedicated not only to providing legal assistance, but also to helping clients with issues such as domestic violence, paternity, custody, support, education and emancipation.

Jennifer works closely with teachers, counselors and nurses to identify young women who need her help. On any given day, she may be found in family law or immigration court, at a school district meeting or supporting her clients with home visits. She also works with School Age Mother High School Programs and educates teachers and counselors to recognize domestic violence.

As a Stanford honors grad, Jennifer had her pick of plum positions. Instead, she decided to give back to the community where she lives with her husband and two young daughters. Jennifer’s talent, energy and dedication to these vulnerable teens empowers them to make decisions that create a positive future for their families and a better community for us all.
*This biography and photo of the honoree was published in .

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