Judy Bloom

JUDY BLOOM has a 23-year record of service to San Mateo County residents. As a founding member and second chair of the Advisory Council on Women, she chaired the landmark Feminization of Poverty hearings in 1984. She has been active with Women’s American ORT (Organization for Rehabilitation Through Training), serving as Northern California Peninsula Region President, District Vice President and National Board member. She was co-founding president of the North Peninsula section of the Jewish Community Relations Council and vice chair of the North Peninsula Jewish Community Federation 1990 campaign. She was director of the League of Women Voters for 16 years and has served on numerous education and child care task forces. Since December, 1986, she has been aide to Assemblywoman Jackie Speier. She was first president and is still a Board member of the Professional Business Women’s Conference, Inc. In 1991, she was honored by the California Commission on the Status of Women and she is a recipient of San Mateo-Burlingame Soroptomist’s Women Helping Women Award.
*This biography and photo of the honoree was published in .

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