Julia McKay McKeon

JULIA MCKAY MCKEON has been catalyst for improving health care and quality of life on the San Mateo Coastside for the past twenty-two years and has been instrumental in creating three health-oriented nonprofits on the coast and securing funding for many new programs. Having earned her MBA in health services management from Northwestern University Julia was recruited to the Bay Area to develop on of the nation’s first nonprofit physician-based HMO models and went on to develop a multidisciplinary spine care center and a consulting firm for helping new physicians to begin their practices. Upon joining the Coastside RotaCare Clinic Advisory Board in1988, Julia recruited volunteer physicians and designed the patient medical records managements system. Her efforts resulted in 26,000 uninsured Coastside residents receiving healthcare. As a project director of the Partnership for Public Health (PPH) Julia Led the creation of several programs including Sonrisas Community Dental Center, Movin’ on the Coast Fitness Fair, non-profit incorporation at the Pillar Ridge Mobile Home Park and Puente de la Costa Sur. As a founding Board member of Sonrisas Community Dental Center she raised $500,000 in startup funds, recruited employees, implemented electronic systems and initially served as an unpaid executive Director of Sonrisas which under her stewardship has become an award winning dental program serving over 5,000 patients. Known for her enthusiasm, intelligence, and modesty, Julia encourages others to reach their potential and always takes time to share her expertise.
*This biography and photo of the honoree was published in .

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