Deberah Bringelson

DEBERAH BRINGELSON has been serving the San Mateo County citizens for over 14 years, as a professional, as a volunteer and as an inspirational leader. Specific areas of service include civil justice reform, environmental and animal protection, women’s rights, child protection, toxic clean up, water issues and land use. Her most significant contributions have been recognized in the field of criminal and juvenile justice reform. She works to discover solutions to crime, to assist the system to work more efficiently and to reduce the burden on county taxpayers. Her commitment to the issues of substance and violence evolved from her own personal experiences. Deberah knows first hand the effects of these acts have on adult and child victims. She was a primary mobilizer of both the county Adult Juvenile Drug Courts which serve as models for other courts. She designed a comprehensive life skills treatment program serving female offenders, with a focus on mothers. Deberah serves as a mentor for young female athletes, currently coaching girls’ volleyball and basketball teams. Deberah has received awards for overcoming personal trauma and violence of her childhood and for bringing her talents, compassion and energy to this community.
*This biography and photo of the honoree was published in .

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