YURI CARTIER “has the entire package – intelligence, strong leadership skills and compassion” according to her nominator. Yuri has been an active member of the San Mateo County Commission on the Status of Women and recently played an integral part in the development and production of “Hear Me Roar!”, the first teen women’s conference in the Bay Area. Since freshmen year at Mills she has worked three hours a week at Peninsula Hospital and became involved with CARAL (California Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League) in her junior year. Yuri’s tenacity and perseverance enabled her to found Spectrum-a Gay-Straight Alliance of which she is currently President. Her effort to reach out to a very diverse groups of students is impressive. She is Vice-President of the Peer Helping Club which lends support on a regular basis to troubled students. Yuri is a talented jazz and ballet dancer and twice was recipient of Command Performance, the highest honor, for playing the flute. She has been second chair in the Peninsula Youth Orchestra. In spite of her many activities, she takes a rigorous course load and is in competition as a National Merit Finalist. And Yuri still has time to be a Barista at Starbucks.
*This biography and photo of the honoree was published in .

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