Mildred Ann “Millie” Bessire

Mildred Ann ‘Millie’ Bessire, has influenced countless lives, but her dedication to children is what makes her so special. She has spent over 50 years in Girl Scouting. More than 20 of those years she actively led a two-week long Girl Scout Day Camp and set it up as an on-going program in which she currently serves as day Camp Administrator. Millie has also been very active as in PTA for more than 30 years, serving as President at the local and council levels. In both areas she continues to hold positions of leadership and responsibility for whish she has earned awards too numerous to mention. One example is the PTA Honorary Service Award at local, council and district levels. She has also received Women Helping Women Award from the Soroptomists in 1997. Millie has also developed the expertise of other volunteers, including her grown daughters who are now active in the Girl Scouting Program. She also takes time to actively support political candidates. Millie explains that her primary focus in Girl Scouting is “for the girls”; in PTA it is “for the children”; and her political support is “for the children and the future generations.”
*This biography and photo of the honoree was published in .

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