Women’s Hall of Fame

Ethel Mears

ETHEL MEARS, founder and past president of the Senior Forum of San Mateo County, helped the College of San Mateo design and implement its “Better Living for Later Years” program and as involved in establishing Casa de Redwood, the first senior housing units in Redwood City. Named San Mateo County Woman of the Year in 1964, she received the Congressional Public Award for Redwood City in 1985. Mears’ professional career included many years of teaching and work with U.S. Civil Service Commission, from which she retired as director in 1958 at the age of 60 because of her husband’s illness. She served for 12 years on the San Mateo County Commission on Aging, and has worked with the Redi-Wheels program, the Salvation Army Board of Directors, and recently retired from the Redwood City Senior Affairs Committee which was instrumental in renovating the Veteran Memorial Building as a senior center.
*This biography and photo of the honoree was published in .

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