Women’s Hall of Fame

Harriet Stassinos

HARRIET STASSINOS formerly of San Mateo. Mrs. Stassinos left a legacy behind when she died of lung cancer last year May at the age of 62. Ironically she never smoked and campaigned vigorously against smoking. In fact, she spent a lifetime campaigning for issues and candidates who supported her goals of peace, jobs, and justice for all. She became the “Most Reliable Volunteer” who was willing to do any task which would support issues and people dedicated to these values. She belonged to the Older Women’s League, the National Women’s Political Caucus of San Mateo County, Children by Choice Coalition, the National Abortion Rights League, and worked as volunteer for Planned Parenthood in New York, the Sacramento Valley and in San Mateo County. Mrs. Stassinos was a freelance writer, human interest columnist, poet, mother, political activist and baker of Hearty Harriet’s Cookies. She began making the cookies as a business to help support non-agencies in our county in the early 1980’s. Her leadership has been a source of inspiration to all.
*This biography and photo of the honoree was published in .

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