Judith Heyboer

As a senior vice president of Human Resources at Genentech, Judith Heyboer recognized the impact of biotechnology on people’s lives. Among many accomplishments, she developed a course on ethical biotech management for Menlo-Atherton High School whose curriculum has been certified by the state.

Judith now devotes herself to volunteer work that helps women live in peace and realize their dreams. She is president of the board for Friends for Youth, helped develop mentoring resources and worked to build a collaboration of domestic violence agencies with the goal of not only providing shelter, but also helping women launch new lives. Judith is president of the Advisory Board of the Global Women’s Leadership Center at Santa Clara University, which brings together female United Nations representatives, venture capitalists and medical program developers from around the world to shape the future through creativity and innovation.

In all her work, Judith plants seeds, guides and allows others to shine. This dedicated woman lives her values every day. Her example proves that with hard work, women can do things that look impossible.
*This biography and photo of the honoree was published in .

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