Jasmine Nachtigall

Hillsdale High School Junior Jasmine Nachtigall, a talented violinist and United States Tennis Association ranked tennis player, is a dedicated role model for her siblings and peers, actively volunteering for domestic and international causes and participating in on-campus service efforts. Jasmine excels to receive her Associates degree in biological sciences upon high school graduation in June of 2008. Active in athletics, she is Varsity Tennis Team captain. She also is vice president and treasurer of the Best Buddies Club, helping developmentally delayed students with socialization and is an Amnesty International club coordinator.

Jasmine is a successful fundraiser for numerous domestic and international causes, including helping Hurricane Katrina and tsunami victims, Self Help for Elderly and the Asian American Cancer Support Network. She volunteers every week at the San Mateo Medical Center emergency room and tutors other students. She is also a creative and talented violinist and pianist, often performing for seniors and at hospitals.

Jasmine believes it is important to teach young adults leadership skills such as public speaking, creative fundraising, business relationships, community service and the importance of being open-minded, all qualities and skills that already have helped her make changes for the good in our world.
*This biography and photo of the honoree was published in .

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