Carolyn Nobles

CAROLYN NOBLES has energetically served the needs of others in her family, neighborhood and community for many years. While rearing two daughters, she continued to pursue her education, receiving her social services degree in 1970. Most recently, in her community of Redwood City, she organized an effort to raise over $120,000 from foundations, individuals, businesses and service clubs to develop and build a playground to benefit the North Fair Oaks Community. She was a founding member of the Probe Auxiliary which, through its Children’s Fund Boutique, raised $1,000,000 to benefit children’s programs in Redwood City. She was a founding member of the Redwood City’s Citizens Against Racism, a multi-racial group formed after the death of Martin Luther King. This group still sponsors scholarships for minority students attending Canada College. She was a founding member of the Friends of Redwood City, organized in 1982 for the purpose of preserving Redwood City’s Bair Island wetlands. She has been honored by the Sierra Club, Soroptomists International, and the Volunteer Center, the Junior League, the California State Assembly, the San Mateo County of Supervisors and the Save San Francisco Bay Association.
*This biography and photo of the honoree was published in .

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